We collaborate with local and state officials, as well as other nonprofits, groups and agencies, to move forward food policies empowering our communities and strengthening our food system.
C.R.O.P.S. and the Atlantic County Economic Alliance are collaborative partners on the NJ Economic Development Authority's Atlantic City Food Security Pilot Grant Program.
C.R.O.P.S. hosted a meeting with the NJ Office of the Food Security Advocate.
C.R.O.P.S. and AtlantiCare are co-recipients of a grant from NJFSI and collaborate on making food system change in Atlantic City.
C.R.O.P.S. is a co-founder and co-facilitator of the Green Coalition of Atlantic City.
C.R.O.P.S. and the NJ State Secretary of Agriculture collaborate to move forward food policy that supports farmers and consumers in the Garden State.
C.R.O.P.S. manages Fisherman's Park Community Garden in a partnership with the Inlet CDC, and also collaborates in this space with ACIT, US Fish and Wildlife, the Hydrangea Trail 2.0, and the City of Atlantic City to create a place focused on community engagement and access to nutritious food.
C.R.O.P.S. and Chelsea EDC collaborate on the Farmers Row project in Atlantic City, which supports urban agriculture through the UCAN Program and economic development.
C.R.O.P.S. works closely with Midtown CDC in the 'Midtown Mealtime' Program, which brings fresh produce, nutritional information and kid-friendly veggie & gardening activities to families at the New York Avenue School in Atlantic City.
C.R.O.P.S. attends and presents at the annual NJ Food System Summit.
C.R.O.P.S. regularly works with the CRDA (Casino Reinvestment Development Authority) on projects, as well as collaborating on a bus tour of Atlantic City during the Governor's Convention on Housing and Economic Development.