Make a Donation
Donations & sponsorships fund C.R.O.P.S.’s operational costs like paying our staff to run our programs, utilities, and other expenses that are not available for reimbursement through our Funding Agreement with the CRDA, which reimburses C.R.O.P.S. for items and services enabling us to put our programs into action.
1,100+ pounds of vegetables harvested from the 2 Community Gardens we manage
$3,392+ in vouchers from Federal Assistance Programs from customers at our Farmers Markets over the past year through SNAP/EBT, WIC, SFMNP, & Good Food Bucks
600+ Paid Internship hours
75+ workshops facilitated, many of which are part of our ‘Gardening, Eco-Art & Nutrition’ Workshop Series
5 farmer participants in our UCAN Farmer Training Program have been building their farming & farming business skills since January 2024
100s of conversations with local, state, and county officials and other organizations to advocate for positive progress in our food system
Collaborating with 2 schools in Atlantic City for school garden programs
Collaborating with numerous nonprofit organizations in our community to facilitate educational programming in Community Gardens and workshops